














  跌宕情史 变畅销书






































































































































































因为 张筱雨 的大胆出镜,我知道了中国有个搞摄影的叫范学辉。








张筱雨:(笑着说)发傻!差不多是以泪洗面的,不过也不能整天,因为人的眼泪毕竟有干的时候。那时候,情绪波动特别大,听到一些溢美之词时很高兴,感 觉在天上;听到一些流言蜚语时,很痛苦,感觉在地狱。基本上拒绝和外界接触,把眼睛蒙上过日子,时间大概持续了一年半的时候,后来决定出第二本书,我才逐 渐地放松。
张筱雨:是啊,有时候,人的逆反心理很强,越是在谷底的时候,求生的心理就会越强。当时很多人说,这是色情不是艺术,我特苦恼。一个人说,张筱雨你做 的是很不光彩的工作,我可以不在乎,而后一百、甚至一千、一万人都这么说,我就开始怀疑自己是不是真的做错了,这样,情绪就越来越差。后来,人美社的领导 安慰我,做我的思想工作,他们说如果这不是艺术我们为什么要出这本书呢?我们这样做不是毁张筱雨,而是砸我们的牌子。慢慢地我想通了,觉得自己没有做错。 人美社问我,有没有勇气拍第二本?我脱口而出说有,现在想想,这是从心底发出来的声音。所以至今,我都感谢那段时间对自己、对社会、对艺术的思考,我觉得 这种思考很宝贵。
张筱雨:没有办法。法律规定,如果两年之内你放弃起诉的话,你就永远放弃了追诉的权利。原本我是一个大事化小,小事化了的人,但很多朋友说如果放弃, 我就要背一辈子的黑锅,所以我才站出来(状告张旭龙)。其实,(这两次官司)让我很伤心。开始的时候,摄影师要求赔偿21万,但我觉得写真集也是我劳动的 成果,后来法院最终判决支付10万元,我尊重了法院的判决,但我说目前没有这么多现金,只能先拿出4万,看在往日良好的合作情分上,剩下的在一个月之内凑 齐了再给,可这样的请求也遭到了拒绝,对方竟要求法院立即对我进行强制执行,比如封我的工资、封我的车,太让我没有想到了,这对我的刺激很大。我觉得做人 应该厚道一点儿,我是以真诚的心对待别人的,一直息事宁人、忍气吞声地保持沉默,可是没有想到……
而且,我完全没有侵权,只是作品的完整性有出入,这也是照片编辑的需要。现在,还有很多人说张筱雨侵权,我觉得挺无聊的,我觉得要开始保护自己了。所 以当自己的权益被一而再,再而三地遭到侵犯之后,当一忍再忍、实在无路可退、被逼进死胡同之后,当我牙被打掉和血吞进肚里也不愿将任何人拉下神坛的努力失 败之后,在朋友的支持和激励下,我不得不小心翼翼、战战兢兢地拿起法律的武器来维护自己的权益。不过,通过这件事,让我结交了很多朋友,也使很多人在共事 的过程中慢慢地了解我,以前他们都说我张筱雨是问题青年,是精神障碍,不过现在他们都理解了我。(很开心地笑了)


2007年最值得关注的大陆模特张筱雨(黑龙江 20岁),她的青春靓丽和大尺度的展现,让黑土地感到骄傲和自豪,也说明中国的模特走向了世界的舞台,她们勇敢的精神和庄重的神情表现出世界级模特的职业水准和优良素质。

性别: 女
出生日期: 1985年06月06日
民族: 汉族
政治面貌: 团员
身高: 162厘米
专业: 生物科学
学制: 4年
学历: 本科生毕业
语种: 英语
外语水平: 国家四级
爱好: 课件制作,计算机,美术
特长: 绘画,跳舞。计算机,课件制作等
个人简介: 2000年9月--2003年7月 吉林市实验中学 2003年9月--2007年7月 北华大学
获得荣誉: 曾获得校一,二等专业奖学金 2004年3月获得吉林省计算机水平考试二级证书 2004年4月获得全国计算机等级考试二级证书 2004-2005年度被评为“优秀团员” 2006年3月获得“信息技术及应用”技术证书 2006年6月通过全国大学英语四级考试

代表作品 :

张筱雨<闺> 张筱雨<魅惑> 张筱雨<渴望> 张筱雨<阳光>


写真视频拍摄间歇 筱雨赶紧穿点衣服御寒


非常喜欢张筱雨,她以非凡的胆识和勇气征服了模特界,像出水芙蓉凌波摇曳横空出世。她以姣美的容颜,婀娜的身姿,如玉的肌肤,优雅的神情,向世人展示了极 具魅力的东方美。用充满自信的神韵创造了一个人体艺术的新时代,结束了长期以来由日韩统治人体写真领域。与筱雨相比,那些日韩女优、美媚、人体模特根本不 屑一顾。
艺术需 要脱,就脱出文明,脱出健康,脱出自信,脱出真正的明媚春光来!



早些时候,国家广电总局就针对四川电台和成都市电台严重违规,制作播出“含性”节目通报批评之后, 9月中旬,湖北、湖南、广东、贵州、海南五地电台依然是我行我素,顶风违规播出涉及性生活、性经验、性体会、性器官和性药功能节目,也相继遭到国家广电总局的批评和查处。原以为事情暂且到此告一段落,不料又有宁夏、江西、山西三家电台的四套广播相继播出低俗下流的涉性节目。短短几天的时间,就有10家电台纷纷被揪,难道这是偶然的巧合吗?可邹邹通过分析事件背后的真相发现,省级电台涉性节目屡禁不止绝非偶然!















Liberals, Neocons, Zionists, Fascists, Anti-Fascists and the Rest

Thanks for all the comments. Hard to know where to begin. But I suppose the one thing that astonishes me above all is the apparent CERTAINTY of almost everyone about Iraq. Here’s a monster called Saddam Hussein (no “annoying thug” as L.K. Burnett suggests in comment 45), with a Stalinist personality cult, heading a Baath party that borrowed heavily from Nazi totalitarian organization, sitting for decades at the head of a country he’s turned into a nighmarish realm of terror, populated by a circles within circles of cowed informants who make the Stasi look like a plaything. My colleague Dexter Filkins described Saddam’s country in stark terms this weekend (see his brilliant profile of Kanan Makiya), writing of Saddam: “He murdered as many as a million of his people, many with poison gas. He tortured, maimed and imprisoned countless more. His unprovoked invasion of Iran is estimated to have left another million people dead. His seizure of Kuwait threw the Middle East into crisis.”

In 2003, this mass murderer — responsible for millions of dead and some 25 million psychologically crippled Iraqis — is removed in a bungled American-led invasion, undertaken under false pretenses, beset from the beginning by incompetence and hubris on a massive scale, marked by miscalculation on everything from U.S. troop levels to the impact of an American-propelled social revolution that thrust the long suppressed Shia to power. It is certain that things could have been handled better. It is uncertain how much of this mayhem could have been avoided if better post-invasion decisions had been taken by a president less inclined to act on hunches and more inclined to look at facts. It is clear that perhaps 200,000 Iraqis are dead (let’s not argue too much on the numbers, but agree they are high), in addition to more than 3,700 young American soldiers.

When I weigh this picture — a middle Eastern Pol Pot (and who cares that the United States once supported him, it makes no difference to anything at this stage) on one side; more than four years of war and killing and Iraqi disintegration on the other — I agonize. Three visits to Baghdad since the invasion and countless meetings with people whose relatives were “disappeared” by Saddam only add to my questioning. Makiya, who wrote the devastating “Republic of Fear” in 1989 and was a strong supporter of the invasion, also agonizes in the above-mentioned Filkins piece. Why then is it so easy for people who know far less about Iraq than Makiya or deputy prime minister Barham Salih (a Kurd in a country where Saddam slaughtered about 180,000 Kurds) to be so certain about everything. The answer, I suspect, is that they — and particularly the liberals who are angriest about my column — think a lot more about Bush (who’s easy enough to dissect) than about Iraqis. Some suffer from what Charles Brink, in comment 64, calls “Bush derangement syndrome.”

The difference between the Iraqi hell of yesterday and the Iraqi hell of today is that the former was without hope (Saddam would have handed over to his even more sadistic sons) while the latter is characterized by flux that may, over a long period, produce some semblance of a decent society. I respect those who denounce the invasion and believe it has produced, and will produce, only disaster. On balance, however, I disagree. It would be nice to think, as Julien Vallee suggests, that Saddam’s removal could have been achieved through “soft power.” But cental Europe’s velvet revolutions notwithstanding, the lesson of history is generally that dictators like Saddam do not go gently.

What I find intolerable is the way a smug left personnified by Michael Tomasky (see his attempt at humor in God, what a bunch of whiners) can drone on about Iraq for 25 paragraphs or so without ever mentioning what Saddam’s murder-central was like. Perhaps Tomasky should think a little more about how the Soviet Gulag slipped out of the awareness of wide swathes of the European and American left, some of whom would not even see the horror for what it was when Solzhenitsyn finally rammed it down their throats. If he did search his untroubled conscience, Tomasky and others like him might be less inclined to reduce Saddam’s Gulag to a subordinate clause. You’ve heard the kinds of sentences they use. They tend to begin: Yes, I know Saddam’s regime was horrendous, but…..Or perhaps Tomasky, who is much given to hyperbole (he thinks I see his left as “a satanic sect!”), should read Charles Rogerson’s comment (number 12). In it he rightly calls me to task for not differentiating between classic Isaiah Berlin liberals and the liberals he knew when growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area. These were people who “were amazingly soft on the Soviet Union and China.” Rogerson adds: “You were mocked as some kind of right-wing yahoo MaCarthyite if you said anything critical about communism or the Soviet Union.”

True, Bush did not invade Iraq to get rid of a monstrous killer. He had other reasons and they proved empty. But the world is better for Saddam’s demise.

What else? Anyone who doubts that neocon is often shorthand for “neo-con Zionist conspiracy” should have his or her doubts laid to rest by reading the hundred of comments, some of them ugly.

I will set out the liberal hawk or liberal interventionist’s credo at a later date.

Thank you to Jane (comment 25) for her sanity in the midst of so much vitriol. She wrote: “Nice to see someone actually thinking rather than calling names. Neither side of the political spectrum has the exclusive on Truth. Fact is, labels end the “lively debate” that results in reasonable consensus. Without it, our country cannot move forward.”

Civilized disagreement is the mark of any healthy society.

Killer of Russian journalist is known, editor says

MOSCOW: The independent Novaya Gazeta newspaper and Russian prosecutors know the identity of the man who killed Anna Politkovskaya, the newspaper's correspondent who was slain in a contract-style killing last year, according to the newspaper's editor and a special report planned for publication Monday.

But the identity of the person who ordered the killing has not been determined and the man who shot Politkovskaya has not been found and arrested, the editor said. He added that more time was needed to investigate the case.

"The organizer is free," said the paper's editor in chief, Dmitry Muratov. "This crime cannot be considered solved."

The new details shed further light on a case that has drawn international scrutiny and suggested that a degree of progress has been made in a investigation that Politkovskaya's friends and supporters have worried had been stalled and undermined by internal disarray.

Politkovskaya, a tireless critic of the Kremlin and President Vladimir Putin, was an advocate of victims of human rights abuses, especially those from the two wars in Chechnya since 1994. She was shot multiple times with a pistol at the entrance to her apartment building on Oct. 7, 2006.

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The killing, which coincided with Putin's 54th birthday and became another in a string of murders of journalists in Russia, drew international condemnation and demands for a vigorous investigation.

In the year since, it has been framed as a challenge to Putin's legacy - an example of the criminality, corruption and culture of impunity beneath the surface of the partial recovery of Russia's economy and the Kremlin's confidence that have accompanied Putin's rule.

The case has proved a challenge to Novaya Gazeta as well. Long a sharp critic of Russia's government, the paper has cooperated closely with the team of investigators from the federal General Prosecutor's office, and withheld publishing many details of both the prosecutors' work and the newspaper's own parallel investigation.

Last Friday, as editors and reporters put the last touches on a special edition of the newspaper to mark the one-year anniversary of the killing, Muratov said the special report would commemorate Politkovskaya and disclose important new information. But it would not be a full accounting of what the editors know.

Instead, Muratov said, he was focused on helping prosecutors glean the remaining facts required to arrest both the gunman and the man who hired him.

Eleven people have been arrested in the case so far, and nine have been held on charges, Muratov said. He added that the suspects in custody were middlemen and accomplices in the crime, but that important suspects remain at large, and the newspaper is taking care not to compromise the investigation with leaks.

"My main task is not to give interviews and to write stories," Muratov said. "I want the bastards in jail."

Muratov provided advance copies of the two main articles of the special issue to The New York Times. One is an extended interview with Petros Garibyan, the prosecutor leading the government's investigation.

Garibyan's account differed slightly from Muratov's, saying that 10 men were in custody thus far, not nine. But he agreed that the identity of the man who shot Politkovskaya has been established.

"We have not charged the killer yet, but we know who he is," Garibyan said, according to the interview. Garibyan did not answer several calls on his cellphone on Sunday.

The second article, called "Anna and the Clown," is a description of the ordeal of Eduard Ponikarov, who in 2002, the article said, was beaten for hours by several men, including then-Major Pavel Ryaguzov of the FSB, the domestic successor to the KGB.

Ryaguzov sought to torture Ponikarov into submission with the goal of making him an FSB informant, code-named "Clown," who could be ruled by fear, Muratov said.

Instead, Ponikarov survived and lodged formal complaints with the authorities. But the case gained no traction and no one was punished, although Ryaguzov and an accomplice were identified, according to the special report.

Ryaguzov was later promoted to colonel. He is now one of the suspects detained in the Politkovskaya case and has been accused by prosecutors of assisting Politkovskaya's killers by giving them her home address.

Muratov and the special report suggest that the handling of the Ponikarov affair was an example of the culture of impunity for law enforcement officers in Russia that contributed to Politkovskaya's death.

If the men who tormented Ponikarov had been arrested in 2002, the newspaper's report says, "perhaps Anna Politkovskaya would still be alive."

Ponikarov, reached at home by telephone on Sunday, confirmed that Novaya Gazeta's account of his beating at the hands of the FSB officer was accurate.

Yuri Chaika, Russia's prosecutor general, said in August that Politkovskaya's killing had been ordered from abroad with the aim of destabilizing Russia. Muratov said last week that he knew of no evidence of foreign involvement and that he believed that Politkovskaya was killed because she was investigating corruption within Russia.

"According to our opinion, she touched upon the financial interests of people," he said. "And they decided to make her silent."

Muratov also distanced himself from Kremlin detractors who say that Putin directly ordered the crime. He offered a more nuanced view, saying that Putin's rule has allowed a climate in which journalists have been killed with impunity, but that the Russian president did not put out Politkovskaya's murder for hire.

Instead, he said, the Kremlin has built a regime in which her death is assumed to be allowed, and powerful criminals within the government and law enforcement agencies do as they please

"The power has created a climate in which journalists are enemies, democracy is not an efficient way of management or rule, and the special services are a new ruling class, a ruling elite, to which everything is permitted," he said. "When there is no parliamentary or public control of the special services, it is this atmosphere of censorship and permissiveness that brought this result."

Fortune cookies offer advice of a different kind

The messages in fortune cookies are typically vague, banal and optimistic. But some cookies are now serving up some surprisingly downbeat advice.

"Today is a disastrous day. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em," reads one fortune showing up around the country.

"It's over your head now. Time to get some professional help," advises another.

As the messages, contained in cookies made by Wonton Food in Queens, New York, have spread across the country, some diners have registered their reactions online. As a result, the company has a marketing challenge on its hands.

One blogger, who got the "professional help" fortune, wrote: "I shot the audacious baked item a dirty look and proceeded to eat it. And I hope it hurt."

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Bernard Chow, marketing coordinator at Wonton Food, said he had not set out to insult anybody when he asked his team of freelance writers to come up with some new messages.

"We wanted our fortune cookies to be a little bit more value-added," Chow said. "We wanted to get some different perspective, to write something that is more contemporary."

Wonton Food, which describes itself as the largest fortune-cookie maker in the country, produces about 4.5 million cookies a day. The company made headlines in 2005 when 110 people won almost $19 million in the Powerball lottery after playing a "lucky number" sequence from the back of a Wonton fortune.

Wonton has a catalog of 10,000 fortunes, and about a quarter of them are in rotation at any given time. It introduced 600 new ones several months ago, including about 150 in the popular fortune-telling category. Other message categories are humor, motivational sayings, riddles and translated Chinese idioms.

"They can't be offensive, got to be positive, and rated G," said Derrick Wong, vice president for sales at Wonton.

But as customers began to request more fortunes with actual predictions rather than cryptic sayings, the writers removed their rose-colored glasses, he said.

"It's very hard to come up with more fortunes," Wong said. "Some people may not like them."

Some consumers complained; others searched for meaningful explanations.

Chow characterized the new fortunes as "cautious" rather than negative, and said he had received complaints about only two messages so far. One was the "disastrous day" note. The other said: "Your luck is just not there. Attend to practical matters today."

Wonton plans to remove those two from circulation, Chow said, adding that he welcomes customer feedback about the others.

"I got some people saying that you're making people think, and that's good," he said. "But I have people writing to me saying that it's not positive enough."

Most people who receive one of the downbeat fortunes do not take them too seriously. Karyn Turnbull, 33, an education software designer in Austin, Texas, said her fiancé had been warned about a "disastrous day" when they celebrated their engagement at the Chinese restaurant where they had their first date.

"He laughed and said if he had gotten them before, he might not have proposed," Turnbull said.

'The Kite Runner' is delayed to protect child stars 2

Dowd and E. Bennett Walsh, a producer, said they met in Kabul with Ahmad Khan's father, Ahmad Jaan Mahmoodzada, and told him that his son's character was the victim of a "vicious sexual assault." Mahmoodzada seemed unmoved, they said, remarking that "bad things happen" in movies as in life. The boy, they continued, did not receive a script until a Dari translation was available on the set in western China. The rape scene was rehearsed twice, they said, once with the father present.

On Tuesday the elder Mahmoodzada, reached by cellphone, rejected this account, and said he never learned the rape was a plot point until the scene was about to be shot. He also said his son never received a script.

Forster said that during rehearsals he considered including a shot of Hassan's pants being pulled down, exposing his backside, and that neither Ahmad Khan nor his father objected. But the morning the scene was to be filmed, Forster found the boy in tears. Ahmad Khan said he did not want to be shown nude, Forster agreed to skip that shot, and the boy went ahead with the rape scene. Mahmoodzada confirmed this.

In the final version of the film, the rape is conveyed impressionistically, with the unstrapping of a belt, the victim's cries and a drop of blood.

The filmmakers said they were surprised when Ahmad Khan and his father told The Sunday Times of London in January that they feared for their lives. Walsh and Rebecca Yeldham, another producer, flew to Kabul to learn more in February.

The producers dispelled one fear, that the filmmakers would use computer tricks to depict the boy's genitals in the rape scene. But Ahmad Khan's parents also pressed for more cash, the producers said.

On the advice of a Kabul television company, the boys had been paid $1,000 to $1,500 a week, far less than the Screen Actors Guild weekly scale of $2,557, but far more than what Afghan actors typically receive.

In late July, with violence worsening in Kabul, studio executives looked for experts who could help them chart a safe course. Aided by lobbyists for Viacom, Paramount's parent company, they found John Kiriakou, the retired CIA operative with experience in the region, and had him conduct interviews in Washington and Kabul.

"They wanted to do the right thing, but they wanted to understand what the right thing was," Kiriakou said.

There was one absolute: "Nothing will be done if it puts any kid at risk," Megan Colligan, head of marketing at Paramount Vantage, said.

Kiriakou's briefing, which he reprised in a telephone interview, could make a pretty good movie by itself. A specialist on Islam at the State Department nearly wept envisioning a "Danish-cartoons situation," Kiriakou said. An Afghan literature professor, he added, said Paramount was "willing to burn an already scorched nation for a fistful of dollars." The head of an Afghan political party said the movie would energize the Taliban. Nearly everyone Kiriakou met said that the boys had to be removed from Afghanistan for their safety. And a Hazara member of Parliament warned that Pashtun and Hazara "would be killing each other every night" in response to the film's depiction of them. None of the interviewees had seen the movie.

Another consultant, whom Paramount did not identify, gave a less bleak assessment, but Colligan said the studio was taking no chances. "The only thing you get people to agree on is that the place is getting messier every single day," she said.

So on Sunday Rich Klein, a Middle East specialist at the consulting firm Kissinger McLarty Associates, flew to the United Arab Emirates to arrange visas, housing and schooling for the young actors and jobs for their guardians. (The United States is not an option, he said, because Afghans do not qualify for refugee status.)

Those involved say that the studio doesn't want to be taken advantage of, but that it could accept responsibility for the boys' living expenses until they reach adulthood, a cost some estimated at up to $500,000. The families, of course, must first agree to the plan.

"I think there was a moral obligation even before any of these things were an issue," said Hosseini, the novel's author, who got to know the boys on the set. "How long that obligation lasts? I don't know that anybody has the answer to that."

Kirk Semple contributed reporting from Kabul.

'The Kite Runner' is delayed to protect child stars 1

LOS ANGELES: The studio distributing "The Kite Runner," a tale of childhood betrayal, sexual predation and ethnic tension in Afghanistan, is delaying the film's release to get its three schoolboy stars out of Kabul — perhaps permanently — in response to fears that they could be attacked for their enactment of a culturally inflammatory rape scene.

Executives at the distributor, Paramount Vantage, are contending with issues stemming from the rising lawlessness in Kabul in the year since the boys were cast.

The boys and their relatives are now accusing the filmmakers of mistreatment, and warnings have been relayed to the studio from Afghan and American officials and aid workers that the movie could aggravate simmering enmities between the politically dominant Pashtun and the long-oppressed Hazara.

In an effort to prevent not only a public-relations disaster but also possible violence, studio lawyers and marketing bosses have employed a stranger-than-fiction team of consultants. In August they sent a retired Central Intelligence Agency counterterrorism operative in the region to Kabul to assess the dangers facing the child actors. And on Sunday a Washington-based political adviser flew to the United Arab Emirates to arrange a safe haven for the boys and their relatives.

"If we're being overly cautious, that's O.K.," Karen Magid, a lawyer for Paramount, said. "We're in uncharted territory."


Trailer: 'The Kite Runner'
» View

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In interviews, more than a dozen people involved in the studio's response described grappling with vexing questions: testing the limits of corporate responsibility, wondering who was exploiting whom and pondering the price of on-screen authenticity.

"The Kite Runner," like the best-selling 2003 novel by Khaled Hosseini on which it is based, spans three decades of Afghan strife, from before the Soviet invasion through the rise of the Taliban. At its heart is a friendship between Amir, a wealthy Pashtun boy played by Zekiria Ebrahimi, and Hassan, the Hazara son of Amir's father's servant. In a pivotal scene Hassan is raped in an alley by a Pashtun bully. Later, Sohrab, a Hazara boy played by Ali Danish Bakhty Ari, is preyed on by a corrupt Taliban official.

Though the book is admired in Afghanistan by many in the elite, its narrative remains unfamiliar to the broader population, for whom oral storytelling and rumor communication carry far greater weight.

The Taliban destroyed nearly all movie theaters in Afghanistan, but pirated DVDs often arrive soon after a major film's release in the West. As a result, Paramount Vantage, the art-house and specialty label of Paramount Pictures, has pushed back the release of the $18 million movie by six weeks, to Dec. 14, when the young stars' school year will have ended.

In January in Afghanistan, DVDs of "Kabul Express" — an Indian film in which a character hurls insults at Hazara — led to protests, government denunciations and calls for the execution of the offending actor, who fled the country.

Perhaps not coincidentally, the "Kite Runner" actor who plays Hassan, Ahmad Khan Mahmoodzada, 12, told reporters at that time that he feared for his life because his fellow Hazara might feel humiliated by his rape scene. His father said he himself was misled by the film's producers, insisting that they never told him of the scene until it was about to be shot and that they had promised to cut it.

Hangama Anwari, the child-rights commissioner for the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, said on Monday that she had urged Paramount's counterterrorism consultant to get Ahmad Khan out of the country, at least until after the movie is released. "They should not play around with the lives and security of people," she said of the filmmakers. "The Hazara people will take it as an insult."

The film's director, Marc Forster, whose credits include "Finding Neverland" (2004), another film starring child actors, said he saw "The Kite Runner" as "giving a voice and a face to people who've been voiceless and faceless for the last 30 years." Striving for authenticity, he said, he chose to make the film in Dari, an Afghan language, and his casting agent, Kate Dowd, held open calls in cities with sizable Afghan communities, including Fremont, California, Toronto and The Hague. But to no avail: Forster said he "just wasn't connecting with anybody."

Finally, when Dowd went to Kabul in May 2006, she discovered her stars. "There was such innocence to them, despite all they'd lived through," she said.

Forster emphasized that casting Afghan boys did not seem risky at the time; local filmmakers even encouraged him, he said: "You really felt it was safe there, a democratic process was happening, and stability, and a new beginning."

Killer of Russian journalist is known, editor says

MOSCOW: The independent Novaya Gazeta newspaper and Russian prosecutors know the identity of the man who killed Anna Politkovskaya, the newspaper's correspondent who was slain in a contract-style killing last year, according to the newspaper's editor and a special report planned for publication Monday.

But the identity of the person who ordered the killing has not been determined and the man who shot Politkovskaya has not been found and arrested, the editor said. He added that more time was needed to investigate the case.

"The organizer is free," said the paper's editor in chief, Dmitry Muratov. "This crime cannot be considered solved."

The new details shed further light on a case that has drawn international scrutiny and suggested that a degree of progress has been made in a investigation that Politkovskaya's friends and supporters have worried had been stalled and undermined by internal disarray.

Politkovskaya, a tireless critic of the Kremlin and President Vladimir Putin, was an advocate of victims of human rights abuses, especially those from the two wars in Chechnya since 1994. She was shot multiple times with a pistol at the entrance to her apartment building on Oct. 7, 2006.

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The killing, which coincided with Putin's 54th birthday and became another in a string of murders of journalists in Russia, drew international condemnation and demands for a vigorous investigation.

In the year since, it has been framed as a challenge to Putin's legacy - an example of the criminality, corruption and culture of impunity beneath the surface of the partial recovery of Russia's economy and the Kremlin's confidence that have accompanied Putin's rule.

The case has proved a challenge to Novaya Gazeta as well. Long a sharp critic of Russia's government, the paper has cooperated closely with the team of investigators from the federal General Prosecutor's office, and withheld publishing many details of both the prosecutors' work and the newspaper's own parallel investigation.

Last Friday, as editors and reporters put the last touches on a special edition of the newspaper to mark the one-year anniversary of the killing, Muratov said the special report would commemorate Politkovskaya and disclose important new information. But it would not be a full accounting of what the editors know.

Instead, Muratov said, he was focused on helping prosecutors glean the remaining facts required to arrest both the gunman and the man who hired him.

Eleven people have been arrested in the case so far, and nine have been held on charges, Muratov said. He added that the suspects in custody were middlemen and accomplices in the crime, but that important suspects remain at large, and the newspaper is taking care not to compromise the investigation with leaks.

"My main task is not to give interviews and to write stories," Muratov said. "I want the bastards in jail."

Muratov provided advance copies of the two main articles of the special issue to The New York Times. One is an extended interview with Petros Garibyan, the prosecutor leading the government's investigation.

Garibyan's account differed slightly from Muratov's, saying that 10 men were in custody thus far, not nine. But he agreed that the identity of the man who shot Politkovskaya has been established.

"We have not charged the killer yet, but we know who he is," Garibyan said, according to the interview. Garibyan did not answer several calls on his cellphone on Sunday.

The second article, called "Anna and the Clown," is a description of the ordeal of Eduard Ponikarov, who in 2002, the article said, was beaten for hours by several men, including then-Major Pavel Ryaguzov of the FSB, the domestic successor to the KGB.

Ryaguzov sought to torture Ponikarov into submission with the goal of making him an FSB informant, code-named "Clown," who could be ruled by fear, Muratov said.

Instead, Ponikarov survived and lodged formal complaints with the authorities. But the case gained no traction and no one was punished, although Ryaguzov and an accomplice were identified, according to the special report.

Ryaguzov was later promoted to colonel. He is now one of the suspects detained in the Politkovskaya case and has been accused by prosecutors of assisting Politkovskaya's killers by giving them her home address.

Muratov and the special report suggest that the handling of the Ponikarov affair was an example of the culture of impunity for law enforcement officers in Russia that contributed to Politkovskaya's death.

If the men who tormented Ponikarov had been arrested in 2002, the newspaper's report says, "perhaps Anna Politkovskaya would still be alive."

Ponikarov, reached at home by telephone on Sunday, confirmed that Novaya Gazeta's account of his beating at the hands of the FSB officer was accurate.

Yuri Chaika, Russia's prosecutor general, said in August that Politkovskaya's killing had been ordered from abroad with the aim of destabilizing Russia. Muratov said last week that he knew of no evidence of foreign involvement and that he believed that Politkovskaya was killed because she was investigating corruption within Russia.

"According to our opinion, she touched upon the financial interests of people," he said. "And they decided to make her silent."

Muratov also distanced himself from Kremlin detractors who say that Putin directly ordered the crime. He offered a more nuanced view, saying that Putin's rule has allowed a climate in which journalists have been killed with impunity, but that the Russian president did not put out Politkovskaya's murder for hire.

Instead, he said, the Kremlin has built a regime in which her death is assumed to be allowed, and powerful criminals within the government and law enforcement agencies do as they please

"The power has created a climate in which journalists are enemies, democracy is not an efficient way of management or rule, and the special services are a new ruling class, a ruling elite, to which everything is permitted," he said. "When there is no parliamentary or public control of the special services, it is this atmosphere of censorship and permissiveness that brought this result."

Seeking Columbus's origins, with a swab

PARIS: Intruders, apparently drunk, broke into the Musée d'Orsay here early Sunday and punched a hole in a renowned work by the Impressionist master Claude Monet, "Le Pont d'Argenteuil."

A surveillance camera caught a group of four or five people entering the museum, on the Left Bank of the Seine River. An alarm sounded and the group fled, but not before damaging the invaluable painting, Culture Minister Christine Albanel said on the radio station France-Info. No arrests had been made Sunday night.

Albanel said the painting could be restored, but she deplored what she said was an attack on "our memory, our heritage." An aide to the minister said a punch had left a 10-centimeter, or 4-inch, tear in the painting.

Monet was part of the 19th-century Impressionist movement, experimenting notably with light and color. "Le Pont d'Argenteuil" shows a view of the Seine at a rural bend, featuring a bridge and boats.

Albanel said on France-Info that she would seek improved security for French museums and stronger sanctions against those who desecrate art. "This is not tolerable," she said.

Today in Europe

Vandals puncture a Monet painting at Musée d'Orsay in Paris

Contenders for Columbus's legacy turn to DNA

Pioneering 17th century British scientist's notes now online

The break-in occurred as Paris held its annual all-night festival, which brings thousands of people into the streets for concerts and exhibits.

Seeking Columbus's origins, with a swab 2

But some petitioners think it is a waste of time to scour the phone book for Columbus's long-lost kin. Insisting that they know who Columbus's father really was, they are asking Lorente to perform a 500-year postdated paternity test. The government council president of Majorca, for instance, has paid him to examine the exhumed remains of Prince Carlos of Viana, the one-time heir to the Catalonian crown who reportedly fathered a son with a woman on the island whose last name was Colom.

The vials of royal DNA in Lorente's freezer also include contributions from two living members of the now deposed Portuguese royal line: those of the Duke of Bragança and the Count of Ribeira Grande who argue that Columbus was a member of their family — the product of an extramarital affair involving a Portuguese prince.

"This is the true story, forget the Italians, forget the Spanish," said Count Jose Ribeira, 47, a real estate developer in Lisbon who attended the dedication of a new Columbus monument last year in the Portuguese town of Cuba that claims to be Columbus's birthplace. If it is, all three samples should contain the same Portuguese genetic imprint.

But this year, anyway, the Columbus Day parade in New York will feature Maserati sports cars, flag throwers from Siena and Lidia Bastianich, the Italian cooking show host, as grand marshal.

Those who had hoped DNA would crash the Italian party expected a genetic pronouncement from the scientists on the 500th anniversary of Columbus's death last May. Or last Columbus Day. Surely by this one. After all those centuries in a crypt, however, a mere trace of DNA was all that could be extracted from Columbus's bones, and Lorente has said he is loath to use it indiscriminately.

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To make things even tougher, he has found that Catalonian Coloms and Genoese Colombos are so closely related it is hard to distinguish them with the standard Y-chromosome tests. So he is searching for more subtle differences that would allow him to link Columbus to a single lineage.

"My heart," Albardaner said, "will not endure so many delays."

Others have accused Lorente of nationalist bias, of covering up results that suggest Columbus was a Jew and of withholding a historical treasure from the Western world.

"Will Lorente continue to hide what the scientists know concerning Columbus's DNA?" asked Peter Dickson, a retired CIA analyst whose self-published book on Columbus argues that he was part French, part Italian, part Spanish and part Jewish, in an e-mail message to fellow Columbus buffs. "Will he remain silent on Columbus Day once again?"

Lorente says he will. And in the absence of data, rumors are flying.

Olga Rickards, a Lorente collaborator at Tor Vergata University in Rome, has been quoted as saying that she "wouldn't bet on Columbus being Spanish." A graduate student of Lorente's who had studied the Colombo DNA led Italian newspapers to believe Columbus was from Lombardy, north of Genoa, although she had apparently never seen Columbus's DNA. And Nito Verdera, a journalist from the Balaeric island of Ibiza, who says the explorer was a Catalan-speaking Ibizan crypto-Jew, cited leaks from Lorente's team that link Columbus to North Africa.

"I'm very sorry about the great expectation among some historians that they all want the DNA to confirm their hypothesis," Lorente said. "But science needs its time and has its pace."

If Columbus was an adopted name, as some scholars believe, tests of Coloms and Colombos will have been in vain. Moreover, with dozens of generations separating all those Coloms, Colombos, princes and counts from Columbus's time, a long-hidden adulterous liaison could have severed the Y-chromosome-and-surname link.

Even with a match questions will remain. What if Coloms moved to Genoa or Colombos to Barcelona? Today's distinct regional identities may not be reflected in the genetic code of the earlier era.

Albardaner still brings Columbus novices to the Historic Archive of Protocols in Barcelona, where they can hold a yellowed note from the 15th century filled with the calligraphic scrawl of the man he believes stumbled upon the Caribbean while looking for a western route to India.

He is less sure now that there will be a precise answer to who Columbus was or where he was from, but he is still hoping it will come from the DNA.

Seeking Columbus's origins, with a swab 1

BARCELONA, Spain: When schoolchildren turn to the chapter on Christopher Columbus's humble origins as the son of a weaver in Genoa, they are not generally told that he might instead have been born out of wedlock to a Portuguese prince. Or that he might have been a Jew whose parents converted to escape the Spanish Inquisition. Or a rebel in the medieval kingdom of Catalonia.

Yet with little evidence to support them, multiple theories of Columbus's early years have long found devoted proponents among those who would claim alternative bragging rights to the famous explorer. And now, five centuries after he opened the door to the New World, Columbus's revisionist biographers have found a new hope for vindication.

The Age of Discovery has discovered DNA.

In 2004, a Spanish geneticist, Dr. Jose Lorente, extracted genetic material from a cache of Columbus's bones in Seville to settle a dispute about where he was buried. Ever since, he has been beset by amateur historians, government officials and self-styled Columbus relatives of multiple nationalities clamoring for a genetic retelling of the standard textbook tale.

Even adherents of the Italian orthodoxy concede that little is known about the provenance of the Great Navigator, who seems to have purposely obscured his past. But contenders for his legacy have no compunction about prospecting for his secrets in the cells he took to his grave. And the arrival on Oct. 8 of another anniversary of Columbus's first landfall in the Bahamas has only sharpened their appetite for a genetic verdict, preferably in their own favor.

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A Genoese Cristoforo Colombo almost certainly did exist. Archives record his birth and early life. But there is little to tie that man to the one who crossed the Atlantic in 1492. Snippets from Columbus's life point all around the southern European coast. He kept books in Catalan and his handwriting has, according to some, a Catalonian flair. He married a Portuguese noblewoman. He wrote in Castilian. He decorated his letters with a Hebrew cartouche.

Since it seems now that the best bet for deducing Columbus's true hometown is to look for a genetic match in places where he might have lived, hundreds of Spaniards, Italians, and even a few Frenchmen have happily swabbed their cheeks to supply cells for comparison.

"You would be proud to know that the man that goes to America the first time was Catalan," said Jordi Colom, 51, an executive at a local television station whose saliva sample will help test the contention that Columbus was born in Catalonia, the once-independent eastern region of modern Spain that still fosters its own language, culture and designs on independence.

No chance, said Renato Colombo, 62, a retired Italian engineer who proffered his DNA to reassert his nation's hold on the status quo. "It has never been in doubt that he was from Liguria," the region in northwest Italy of which Genoa is the capital, he insisted. "In his personality, there are the characteristics of the Genoese, mostly represented by his project and his visceral attachment to money and his determination."

Colom and Colombo are both "Columbus" in their native tongues. And along with their names, each inherited from his father a Y chromosome — a sliver of DNA passed exclusively from father to son — which would have been virtually unchanged since the 15th century. A Columbus match to either man's Y chromosome would tie him to that paternal line's Italian or Catalonian home.

"What I want to write is the final book on Columbus, and I will not be able to do it without science to settle this," said Francesc Albardaner, who was seduced by the possibility that DNA — a tool whose answers are treated as indisputable fact in courtrooms and on TV shows — would endorse his deeply held belief in the Catalonian Columbus.

Albardaner, a Barcelona architect, took more than three months off work, called 2,000 Coloms and persuaded 225 of them to scrape their cheeks at his Center for Columbus Studies in Barcelona. The swabs along with 100 Colombos collected in Italy are being analyzed by Lorente at the University of Granada and scientists in Rome.

A Colom match could overturn conventional wisdom about the nationality, class, religion, and motives of the man who began the age of American colonization. On the other hand, an association with Colombo DNA would cement Italy's national pride in a man who remains a hero to many, complaints from American Indians he slaughtered, Africans he enslaved and Vikings who got there first notwithstanding.


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